Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Yuzen Project - Stage.... Experimentation and the Acceptance of the need for a steamer

So I've been using "Dye-n-Flow" by Jacquard so far for my Yuzen project. I"m very pleased with many aspects of it but because it is still a "paint" rather than a dye it has a stiffening effect on the fabric. It also diminishes some of the natural sheen of the silk.

So... I'm thinking I need to try some silk dyes like Jacquard Green Label instead. (I feel the money running from my pockets).

If I use those dyes I'll need to steam set them. -sigh- I was hoping to avoid this but.... if the choice is figure out how to steam or have stiff yuzen then I'll figure out steaming.

Being who I am I can't bring myself to pay $300 - $1000 for a steamer when I'm sure I could figure out a way to make it. Also being me I don't bother figuring anything out for myself until I make sure no one else has already done the hard part :)

After about 5 minutes on google I found this FANTASTIC tutorial for making your own steamer!

The only snag I see is finding somewhere to set it up where the massive amounts of steam won't be an issue -eyes the garage- I'm hoping I can find a decent size burner at Goodwill or something as mine would have a heart attack if I asked it to do that.

I'm PSYCHED! Yipee for new project :)

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