Monday, October 20, 2008

And So It Begins

Hello my name is Annie and I am a craft-a-holic.

I guess that could be broadened to a "make-a-holic." I love making stuff.

My interests in the area of "stuff-making" range quite a bit but here's a quick run down of some of the more recent projects:

Yuzen Dying (aka silk painting)
Tsumami Kanzashi (Hand folded silk hair decorations)
ABJD Sewing and Face-ups (Asian Ball Jointed Doll related crafts)
Hand Kimono Sewing
Paper Piecing Quilting
Civil War and Elizabethan Costuming
Cosplay for Sci-Fi and Anime Cons
Screen Printing
Kimono Design

Yeah... kinda a geeky bent to it all huh ;)

The reason I decided to start a blog is that I've had to really hunt to answer some of my questions on some of these topics and I thought it would be good to post some of my trials and errors, alternatives, and discoveries to help others!

Wooohooo. Lets get craftin'

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